A quarter of the population will experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem in any given year

This is a myth, as mental health affects us all.  How we think and feel about ourselves and our lives can impact on our behaviour and how we cope in difficult times.

The truth is that about a quarter of the population will experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem in any given year, with mixed depression and anxiety the most common mental disorders in Britain.

Yet despite this figure many still feel ashamed to seek support or help and the idea of counselling can be daunting.

At times life can be stressful and unpredictable and may leave us feeling vulnerable.  If you are experiencing or affected by any of the following, then talking to a counsellor or a psychotherapist can help you cope with life’s difficulties:

  • Stressed, frustrated, angry, ashamed or not good enough, fluctuating emotions
  • Anxious or in panic, despairing or wanting to harm self or others
  • Bereavement
  • Eat or drink too much or too little
  • Facing a life-changing event
  • Experiencing feelings of depression, guilt, low  self-esteem, unlovable or unlikable, isolated, lonely, fearful or bored
  • Experiencing a lack of direction, feelings of boredom or of being trapped. 
  • A significant relationship may be proving difficult for you to manage healthily. 

As a well-being clinic we are passionate about our client’s general health and always recommend counselling or psychotherapy as a way for individuals, couples, and parents to explore, understand and resolve difficulties in a safe and confidential environment.   

To find out more about Mental Health Awareness Week click here 

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