We share the benefits on your health and wellbeing of stepping away from your digital devices

"A Digital detox” is a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world"

Oxford English Dictionary 2013

‘Digital Detox’ was added in the English Dictionary in 2013. Technology usage has increased dramatically since the introduction of smart phones and tablets and act as our personal pocket assistant from how many steps we take to the weather forecast.

The importance of Going ‘OFFLINE’

Day to Day we rely heavily on technology.  So therefore is important to regain balance in our lives that can be lost through a smart phone or tablet screen.

For a lot of us our phone is the first thing we look at when we wake up in the morning and scrolling aimlessly through our social media accounts has now become an essential part of the morning and bedtime routine.  Half of the UK adults admit to being ‘completely hooked’ on their smartphones.  Research has found that starting at your phone screen in bed can affect the quality of your sleep, and screen users can experience blue light and digital eye strain, resulting in migraines, blurred vision and neck and back pain.  Sometimes we may feel down comparing how our friends’ perfect lives are on social media. It is these dependencies and technology stressors (persuade or influence somebody to do or think something) make it more important to go offline.

Disconnect to Reconnect

Disconnecting from all digital devices for a temporary period of time allows us to rejuvenate.  A digital detox wellness retreat isn’t just about switching your phone off for a bit, it’s about engaging with nature and mindful connections.  These mindful connections can be triggered by holistic treatments such as aromatherapy, body massage, Indian head massage and reflexology. [by Pippa Ward]

Solace Massage offers you a ‘Digital Detox’

Reconnect by having a ‘FaceTheWorld’ facial. A unique holistic facial that takes you on a blissful, multi-sensory journey around the world. Every sense are pampered through beautiful music, delightful aromas, wonderful textures, including Hot Stone Back massage, foot and hand massage and an Indian head massage.

Reconnect by having an ‘Indulgent Facial’, music therapy, and Indian head massage, hand and foot massage to pamper your body and soul.  Hot stones for that extra relaxation and cold stones to rejuvenate your face.

Reconnect by having a Reflexology.  A non-intrusive complementary treatment, by using reflexes on feet and hands.  The body’s natural flow of energy is restored.  Hot stones bring warmth and comfort. Mums-to-be can benefit too.  All tailored for your needs.