• Six ways to improve your posture AND your health

Here's 6 daily changes to make when your sitting down to help avoid metabolic problems and obesity

We can't avoid sitting and even changing the way you sit is beneficial if you're sitting for long periods of time. HOWEVER you can start incorporating a few daily changes to avoid  metabolic problems and obesity!


1. Fidget
The most perfect ergonomical chair is not the key if you are sitting still in it all day.  Variety is key. You need to move around, change where and how you sit to avoid the problems that have become associated with sitting in one position for too long.

2. Toe-tapping and calf raises
If you have to sit in a chair for prolonged period then get tapping and raising throughout the day to help improve circulation:
Calf raises : With your feet on the floor, slightly apart, raise and lower your heels as if standing on tiptoes. 
Toe tapping: Sit with legs outstretched, back against a wall and heels almost touching, then repeatedly tap the inside edges of the feet together for a couple of minutes at a time. 

3. Get on the floor 
We are actually fans of sitting on the floor because it undoes some of the muscle tension and hip stiffness that comes with sitting in a chair. Start of gradually and build this up to at least 30 minutes a day. You can start with your back against a wall or the sofa, but gradually spend more time unsupported.

4. Practice ‘long sitting’
Once you are used to sitting on the floor, try it with legs outstretched in front of you, torso leaning slightly forward. This can really stretch out your hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles. 

5. Try sitting cross-legged on the floor
Trust us on this one...sitting cross legged is super helpful for stretching muscles in the legs and mobilising the pelvis and spine, improving all-over flexibility. It can be tough to start with but as a first step, try just sitting on the floor and allowing your hips to roll out or externally rotate, as this will create more space in the hip joint, progressing to doing that with the soles of the feet together.

6. Uncross those legs at your desk...please!
Sitting cross-legged in a chair for prolonged periods increases the loading on the intervertebral discs and the spine. This can throw your spine, neck and shoulders out of align and lead to lower back pain.

Please contact us directly to find out more or to ask for any advice