• How to help prevent Plantar fasciitis?

City Way Osteopaths share top ways to help prevent Plantar fasciitis

Our Osteopath Tom is treating Plantar fasciitis for a client, which is inflammation of the plantar fascia, either through overstretching, overuse, or a medical condition.


Here's a few ways to help prevent Plantar Fasciitis:


▪ Maintain a healthy weight to minimise stress on the plantar fascia.

▪ Wear supportive shoes which have good arch support and shock absorption.

▪ Avoid going barefoot, especially on hard surfaces.

▪ Avoid only running on hard surfaces such as concrete as the impact may be too hard for your muscles and joints to cope.

▪ Avoid running on uneven ground or angled surfaces.

▪ Replace running shoes every 6 months to 1 year before they stop supporting and cushioning the feet.

▪ Wear orthotics if you have poor foot mechanics.

▪ Warm up before sport or running and allow adequate recovery time after training.

▪ Include regular stretching of your calves in your warm up and cool down to avoid developing muscle tightness and improve your flexibility.

▪ When starting a new activity or exercise program, make sure to gradually ease into it. Any changes to your training load must be gradual.


If you are suffering with any injury or discomfort then please do get in touch