• Five ways to avoid shoulder pain

Here's how to prevent shoulder injuries

It is possible to reduce the risk of inuring your shoulders. By maintaining a good range of motion, you’ll be able to continue doing the things you enjoy for years to come.

Here are our fiive tips for taking care of your shoulders.

1. Build up your shoulders:

Strengthening the muscles around your shoulder will help keep it stable and protect you from injury. And this is where resistance bands can help as they provide a gradual, steady increase in resistance during a movement. 

2. Improve your flexibility

Daily stretching can help maintain shoulder flexibility and a good range of motion, both of which provide some protection against injury. This is why we highly recommend everyone making Pilates part of their weekly routine. Pilates helps improve strength, balance, flexibility and body awareness. 

3. Always warm up

You need to slowly warm your muscules up before you exercise - especially in the colder months. ThisMake sure you factpr at least 5 minutes of stretching - including rotator cuff exercises - before you start your workout. 

4. Moderation

It does'nt matter how physically fit or expereinced you are with exercise - it's easy to over do it. Overloading or overdoing it at any activity can lead to injury and set you back weeks so gradually build up your fitness or workout. Taking more time off between workouts for rest and building some easy days into your routine are also good for injury prevention.

5. Improve your egonomics

If you have a desk based job then check out how your work station is set up as this can all play a huge part on your body. Repetitive activity such as using your keyboard can affect the shoulder. Sitting up straight is also important as slumping in your chair can result in tight muscles and affect how your shoulders move.


For any help or advice on shoulder injury or prevention then please just contact us directly