Our Rochester Massage Therapists bust the most common myths about Sports Massage

It's time we busted the most common myths about Sports Massage:


You must drink LOADS of water post-massage


Despite common misconception, Sports Massage does not increase your body’s need for water at all. However, you should always sip water throughout the day to ensure that you stay hydrated and maintain healthy organs.


Massage gets rid of cellulite.


Unfortunately, there is no quick fix or magic lotion that gets rid of cellulite. Massage is an excellent addition to a well-balanced diet and regular exercise and can be great for post-workout muscle soreness and tightness.


One massage is all you need to feel better


We like to compare Massage to Exercise: the more you do it, the better you feel.  Exercisign once will not enable you to become insantly fitter and healtjier. Yes you may feel better, but the benefits will only show if you incorporate it in your lifestyle. The same applies to massage. It requires comitment and maintenance to feel the full benefits.


No matter whwre you go, a massage is a massage


No! There are actually numerous different types of massage therapy options inlcuding Sports Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Medical Massage, Hot Stone Massage. It's important to research into each to find which one you need or prefer. If you are unsure, our team can help explain the differences. 

Deep tissue massage is meant to be painful


Although Sports Massage can be an intense treatment and you my experience pain, this does depend on the level of tissue damage you have.

If too much pressure is applied the muscle may tense up and as a reaction you can move away from your therapist. This is a clear sign that we need to adjust the pressure to the client’s needs. A massage that is too painful can actually be counterproductive and have the opposite effect to what we require.

You should generally feel that the massage pressure is tolerable - if it is too soft, the treatment may be less effective. If you do not feel any pain or discomfort during yur treatment, this does not mean that your treatment is less effective.


I can't interrupt my Sports Massage Therapist with questions or comments during a massage.


We always ask our patients to say what they need to make sure they are comfortable with their massage. This includes letting us know if they need more or less pressure or if anything feels uncomfortable. Your appointent os for YOU and it's important you are as open with your therpaist as possible toe snure you gan as mch as possible from your Massage. 


I have to feel sore the next day to prove the Massage was good. 


Pain the following day can be common if: it is youur first massage; if you been sedentary for a long period of time or if the muscles and fascia are tight and causing pain. However it is normal to feel no pain following a massage. Being sore is not the only indication of a productive massage. You may experience some discomfort during a massage and some pain is productive. It’s best to keep the pain range around 7 in a 1-10 pain scale, 10 being too much pain to tolerate.


I don’t need to discuss my medical history with my therapist.


Please Please Please let us know if there are any contraindications with massage. We always ask our patients to complete a questionnaire beforehand and it's important that you are honest about allergies, diseases, medications, and surgeries. If you’re nnot sure if massage is right for you, please check with your doctor.