• 9 reasons why you may be struggling to lose weight

9 reasons why you may be struggling to lose weight AND some may surprise you!

If you are struggling to lose weight or you’ve lost your motivation then here are some possible reasons why AND some might surprise you...

  • Lack of good quality sleep! Studies show that those who don't get enough sleep are more likely to eat sugary foods, which can lead to weight gain over time.
  • Allowing weight loss (in particular the scales) to become an obsession: Focusing all your energy on that number on the scales can play havoc with your mental health and your motivation for losing weight in the first place.
  • Not addressing your mind-set : Lasting weight loss can only truly happen once you’ve addressed your mind-set.
  • You hit a weight loss plateau: This happens to most people and is perfectly normal if you are dieting. Your body needs time to reset so it’s important to not let this plateau cause you to lose focus on your goal.
  • Losing fat but gaining muscle
  • Dieting: It’s proven that dieting – especially extreme dieting – does not lead to lasting weight loss. In fact most people who diet end up putting weight back on afterwards. If you have not worked on your mind-set then you will end up adhering to the yo-yo diet culture.
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Not moving enough: Just changing the way you eat will not be enough to help you achieve your weight loss gal. You need to exercise and this can be easily adapted to suit your lifestyle.
  • Self-sabotage : Self-sabotage isn’t an inherent part of your character, nor does it define who you are or erase your strengths and talents; therefore, it is possible to replace self-sabotage with self-advancement.

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