City Way Health Clinic share 11 wellbeing activities to help you create your own self care routine

Almost EVERY aspect of our lives is affected by our mental health.

BUT by using wellbeing to look after your mental health, you can improve countless areas of your lives, from increasing productivity to enhancing self-image 💙


Start with these 👇


👉Create a morning routine that works for you

👉 Start Pilates or Yoga

👉 Quit smoking

👉 Practice random acts of kindness

👉 Have a break from mobile devices

👉 Take a break from things that are adding stress to your life (yes you are allowed a break!)

👉 Use positive affirmations

👉 Speak kinder to yourself!

👉 Relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises or listening to podcasts

👉 Journaling at the end of each day

👉 Exercise outside - even a 15 minute walk will do