With Winter approaching City Way Health Clinic share top tips on how to beat Sunday Blues

The time has come again and with so many of us battling the “Sunday Evening Blues”, we have 10 quick steps that may help you deal with this…


1: Accept that you are not alone. It is perfectly natural for many of us as we expect a lot from our weekends but fail to feel the same about the week ahead.

2: Be honest with yourself and realise and accept the reasons behind your blues.

3: Plan to make changes depending on the reasons for your blues against a time frame. This may include making an appointment that you have been putting off, speaking to someone else or researching into options.

4: Change your usual Sunday evening routine may have a huge impact on how you feel. By simply planning an activity such as cinema or inviting friends / neighbours over, you will something to look forward to on a Sunday evening.

5: Planning for your week ahead will provide you with an instant feeling of accomplishment and a sense that you are prepared and organised. This may include planning your whereabouts, meetings, meals, kid’s activities, appointments or doing your housework, filling your car with petrol or planning your weekly wardrobe.

6: As strange as it sounds, try writing a letter to yourself that you can open the following Friday and be sure to include any emotions, thoughts or feelings.

7: Do not skip any exercise that you would normally do on a Sunday. Skipping a training session can actually add fuel to your “Sunday Evening Blues”.

8: Avoid using other ways to combat your blues such as reaching for that wine bottle, which may actually make you feel worse in the morning. Replace this with a challenge for yourself such as cooking a meal or making non-alcoholic smoothie from a new recipe.

9: Avoid switching on the laptop to do some work unless it is crucial to do so. Weekends are precious so try and keep them that way. Most things can wait until the next day.

10:  Have some good quality “me time” that you would not usually have the opportunity to do. There are a number of ways you can do this such as having a nice long bath, spending 30 minutes reading, going for a short walk, yoga, phoning a friend or loved one.

Trying just one of these ideas may help…you do not know until you try it!